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  • Writer's pictureSarah M.

New Christmas Traditions?

Many Christmas traditions are universal, but most of our rituals are made unique thanks to a specific family spin.

We are an all or nothing kinda family. We love till it hurts and we strive till we thrive. And Christmas is no exception, I might have instilled a 'go big or go home' mentality in my boys but we love it.

This year though we've decided to try out 'Secret Santa' due to a multitude of reasons plus maybe the fact that there's less stuff ain't that bad of an idea. (We'll just have that much more food on the table [which over flows already]).

Plus doing this makes Christmas gift shopping a whole lot easier, more affordable and the best part, more environmentally friendly.

So, Secret Santa exchange is, where each person buys just one gift for one family member. You can either draw the old fashioned way, where you write everyone’s name on a piece of paper and place them all in a bowl, after which each drawing out a name. (If you pick yourself you can either keep it [wink wink] or toss it back in).

If you're unable to do the draw together, there are several websites (i.e. Secret Santa Organizer) that use email addresses to generate the giver and receiver for you. We also set a budget so again no one gets too carried away. This year it's 100 euros.

Secret Santa is obviously not a new concept and it’s a popular option at work and among friends, it's just an easy and fun way for everyone to receive something. In our family only the adults play, but you can work it out however it fits your group of people anyway you like.

Along with this new Secret Santa tradition, we've donated, participated and volunteered in other meaningful deeds during the holiday season. We buy flowers and send holiday wishes to lonely seniors, donate socks and clothing to organizations that give to the less fortunate and are involved with a youth program.

I would also like to encourage you to be mindful of recycling items this holiday season.

While some family Christmas traditions remain the same year after year, it's never too late to start a new tradition with family and friends. This holiday season, make new memories and try a new family tradition that you'll look forward to doing with the years to come.

Looking back on my family's holiday traditions, I'm filled with a nostalgic blend of happiness, 'what was that' and hazy remembrance. I can't remember every detail from every Christmas, but am glad we always get together, wear matching pajamas and spend time being silly.

Creating meaningful family Christmas traditions make the holiday season a magical time. It's the traditional things we do with our families that hold the greatest meaning and create memories that last a lifetime.

I would love to hear some of your Christmas traditions and if you have created new ones with your family. Have you tried Secret Santa? Let me know in the comment section or on Instagram. Lets connect this holiday season.


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